our history
Foggy Mountain Inc. was founded in 2014 and established as an incorporated organisation in March 2015 as the lead organisation to run
the annual Foggy Mountain Festival held in the third weekend of October, in Kinglake, Victoria.
Foggy Mountain Inc. is an incorporated organisation with a volunteer committee and has
many years’ experience in managing community projects, events and large festivals.
The Foggy Mountain Inc committee of management and core team that will be delivering this event have orchestrated and delivered the majority of events throughout the Kinglake Ranges for many years. It has engaged with the community and identified this creative event approach such as: music concerts, community dance, songwriting, art show. The festival program demonstrates that it has the ability to understand what will work and how to support the community to enhance positive human wellbeing, among many of the other benefits. It is proven that music/arts encourage all avenues of healing. It has been proven that storytelling through music and the arts provides the perfect outlet to express oneself, it improves wellbeing. In addition to being beneficial for recovery, music/arts have health benefits and is a simple way to involve a greater number of people which we have been successful in delivering, especially since 2009.
foggy mountain music festival 2014